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Script(A) Manent: how to write and design video scripts

Script(A) Manent: how to write and design video scripts

If the story is told well, a video will pierce the screen. Words are powerful tools for visualisation because they can amplify the effectiveness of the message and add a new layer of meaning to images, opening up new emotional vistas from simple sequences.  

How to do this?

  1. There is no script without a concept

An in-depth study of the video concept is the first step. What makes the product or service I am promoting unique? What are the values and essence of the brand? The concept is the backbone of the content and allows you to outline a clear and targeted textual strategy that orients each word towards a precise goal: to trigger a system of connections with the audience.

  1. Start with a strong hook

It can be a problem to solve, an emotion to evoke, or a vivid and powerful ‘image’. Your hook should grab attention from the very first seconds of the video while being original and impactful. Ask yourself from the very first line: “What is the focus of my message?”

  1. Harness the power of storytelling

Stories are like a thread that wraps around the experience and lifts it to make it memorable. Giving voice to stories means structuring a storytelling that the audience can identify with. A well-crafted narrative is not just a means to sell but a bridge that connects the brand with consumers’ emotions and aspirations.

  1. Maintain a consistent and recognisable tone of voice

The tone of your script should reflect your brand’s personality. Whether playful, serious, emotional or informative, you need to ensure consistency from the first to the last second to nurture brand recognition and identity.

  1. Refine your script and call to action

Writing is rewriting. Once you have completed your script, reread, edit and refine it. Ask for feedback and run A/B tests to see which version aligns with your target audience. And don’t forget to guide your audience to the next move: a solid and clear Call To Action is a must.

When words and images are embraced in a skilful narrative weave, the user experience will be seen and heard and deeply felt.