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SEO strategies, design and creativity: the golden rules for standing out on the web

SEO strategies, design and creativity: the golden rules for standing out on the web

Like an architect, the copywriter shapes the creative idea through a meticulous process that combines planning and SEO strategies to improve search engine rankings, increasing the chances of interaction and conversion.
Here are some best practices for writing authoritative, impactful, valuable content.
– SEO-friendly approach
Search for keywords that integrate into the text fluidly and naturally, avoiding keyword stuffing and exaggeration. Write engaging Meta-Titles and Meta-Descriptions. The former must capture attention, and the latter must entice clicks. Including anchor text in the text is essential: clickable link text that refers to authoritative sources or other pages on your site boosts authoritativeness and navigability. The title, H1, H2, H3 tags, etc. should be created to rationalise the text into neat sections.
– Research and self-brainstorming
Write down all ideas without filtering them. Even the most eccentric ones can make room within the article or feed other inspirations in the process. Then, move on to scouting, i.e., looking for beneficial information and checking its reliability.
– Defining the Tone of Voice
One of the most recurrent and delicate activities of those who work with writing. Defining the ToV requires studying the brand, analysing the target audience and thinking about the objectives. Do you want to inform? It would help if you communicated in a clear, concise and educational manner. Do you want to entertain? You will need to create fresh but impactful storytelling.
– Stick to the agenda
It is essential to prioritise information to avoid getting lost in a jumble of words and ideas. Putting down an outline is the best way to give concreteness to the content and its structure, which consists of a Title, Introduction, and subdivision of the text into paragraphs through Heading Tags. Sketching a few lines for each of these components means having an excellent outline to keep the focus on the main topics and not stray.
– Adding visual and multimedia elements
Supplementing text with images, infographics, videos, and GIFs is essential to making content more user-friendly, dynamic, and engaging. Visual elements are not only eye-catching but also help explain complex concepts better.
– There is no ending without CTAs
After guiding the reader through the content, taking them to the next step is essential. Whether delving deeper into the topic, signing up for the newsletter, or sharing the article on social media, a well-formulated CTA invites the reader to interact.
It’s not over…
– One last re-reading to correct typos and improve the fluidity of the text.
If you would like to update your site with pleasant-to-read and SEO-friendly texts, write to, and we will be happy to explain our approach.